Incident Tracking

Monitor and track the incidents that affect your infrastructure. Get detailed insights into your app servers, databases, and the vendors they rely on.

14-day free trial • No credit card required

Incident Alerts

Get real-time alerts when outages and maintenances occur. Be the first to know when something goes wrong so you can plan and act accordingly.

Severity Filtering

Not all incidents are created equal. With Ping Bot you can filter incidents by severity to prioritize only those that may affect you, allowing you to focus on the most critical issues.

Browse and Search

Easily browse and search through your incidents to find the information you need. Filter by keywords, date, severity, and more to quickly find the incidents that matter most to you.

The easiest way to monitor your entire stack. Period.

Ping Bot is more than just an uptime monitoring service. We help you spot problems with your infrastructure providers and third party services before they affect your customers.

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